Saturday, May 12, 2012

Creating Application: #1 = HTML5 (Video) + Maven + Netbeans + jQuery + Java + Git

Hi Guys!

It's been a long time! How are you doing? =) Well, due I got many project to do I didn't post anything =P.

But, let's go to the main propose of this post. I created a very detailed well documented project to provide an example of how to use technologies such as  HTML5 (Video), Maven (POM), Java (Servlet, Architecture, Design (OO, DRY, etc)), Netbeans and jQuery. With it, I hope people can use have a basic idea of use of HTML5 Video tag to create a playlist (it will not be required to use flash player to play medias such as videos and audio). The playlist that refer is a list of video to be loaded to server a client and can be used to simulate a unique merged video. For example, imagine that can be used to create an application that given an audio it can create the speaking , put the videos of each word in the playlist and the result would be a merged version of it, without any additional processing in the server side. Another example it could be used to create a playlist of videos of sign language (ASL, LIBRAS, etc).

Well, the business of the application is, given a text to translate, it will be displayed the translation and display a playlist of videos or an error message, all using jQuery AJAX request. I created the project with emphasis on the HTML5 video, using javacript callback functions to create a chain that makes all the videos play and load in parallel , like as a video is loaded, the next one will be loaded an so on. The objective was to mimic a one big video instead of any need of merging files on the server side. I'll improve this project later, using more cache, HTML5 resources, JSON, CDI and create some diagrams to be easy to understand.

Here is the link to the project source code Well, any problem, just call me or send a message! =)

See ya!
